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Transcription from Coast to Coast AM (June 11th 2006) with Art Bell.

Art: West to The Rockies, you’re on the air! Hello!
Caller: Yeah hi!

A: Hi! What is your first name?
Caller: Mike.

A: Mike! Where are you Mike?
M: L.A.

A: I beg your pardon?
M: L.A.

A: L.A. Okey!… Whazz’up?
M: Well, eh, you’re talking about […] Martin, right?

A: Yes, aha!
M: Well, uhm, I happen, myself, to be a layman who is a roman catholic…and I am a roman catholic exorcist.

A: You are?
M: Yes.. And when you spoke to […] Martin…aahm, one of those five times, I called in and spoke to him for a few moments

A: Yeah?
M: Told him about laymen doing it. He was not aware of it and I explained to him what I was doing, how I was doing it and he said “well, why not?”

A: I remember that call actually.
M: Yeah, and there’s not one in ten million catholics that know that lay catholics can do exorcisms, because it was hidden in the year 220…the knowledge of it.

A: Hm!
M: It was hidden in the year 220.

A: Well, yeah, lay people can do it, eh..m, sure!
M: And it’s very simple, you don’t have to do, use a ritual. You can say “Jesus Christ, God, The Son…”

A: Mm…
A: “…demands your demons to depart from me and save my” memory or my imagination or my health or my wealth or my…eh my family, my children, whatever. And you can just repeat that mentally or you can say it out loud or you can sing it in the shower. The point is that, hrm, if…every catholic layman, who was confirmed in the sacrament of confirmation and give you the power to do it, knew about this; you know that there would be no crime in the United States, you could stop all the crime? I’ve gone to criminal areas where, heavy crime areas and done exorcisms and have broken down the criminal activity.

A: Well…
M: Just one person.

A: Well…ah..alright..I…Sure! I suppose if all the demons where ex-or-cised then there would be no one left to do the evil that is so rampin’ out there right now… and father Martin did say”the speed with which evil is increasing in the world is frightening indeed” and that was some time ago, he was refering about an 800 percent increase in New York..alone…and it seems to be on the increase everywhere, so…hm.