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– When are you going to study? Autumn? Yeah, but it doesn’t matter, you can still write!
– I’d better work with my essay instead…

– No should not be afraid of all your capabilities. I think you should develop them…in your free time… Otherwise it will be like “I can not write for Vouge, because I don’t have time….”
– That’s not the point Silvia, the point is that I don’t have the time.

– This is what you say… If you, if you, this is what I’m telling you; instead of writing the blog, you can write seriously, like for some magazine.
– But I can write for my blog, but that’s just, I can write short things, but I can’t do research, because it takes too much time.

– But it’s not research, you just go and interview someone. You formulate some questions, make them publish them.
– But I still have to know about the subject I’m writing about.

– I can tell you a little bit about it…
– Yeah, but tell me!

– It was the same thing with Vogue, I had to write immediately after the fashion show and I got so stressed!
– And I really don’t know what’s the hurry…

– It’s fresh, it changes…
– No it doesn’t, that’s the point!

– It does change!
– No! The world hasn’t changed.

– No, but research changes all the time, like I think that the…like D was telling me today that they were publishing some cases about excorsism.
– Yeah, small details.

– Yeah, and people… We were commenting about the fact that one of my doctor friends recently converted to catholisism, like I don’t know, five years ago. And then I told him that he had this neurological case in which this person came to the hospital like really violent and like out of himself. And the only two persons he attacked in the corridor were ah, him and another nurse and the both of them were catholics and the rest of them were atheists. So he implied in his story that this guy was posessed of some demon. And I said that he couldn’t use that argument because it was just a causality and we can not know. And then he said that he was speaking Greek… When he tried to talk to this patient he was speaking Greek. He was speaking languages he wasn’t supposed to know since he was just a redneck from the north… Sorry for the expression but that’s what hea said.
– What do you mean “redneck from the north”? Oh, was this in Sweden?

– Yeah…
– Yeah, but isn’t that a fact that people can talk languages if they just heard it somewhere…

– Yeah.. And I was like, do you know Greek? He was like “No”. “Oh, how could you tell that he was speaking correct Greek?” He is though a very gifted person, he speaks seven languages very well, all of them. So I think he probably could know some Greek words, but that doesn’t mean that that guy was speaking real Greek. So I told D about this story and he was like “yeah, but there is actually a mental condition, it’s called ‘blablabla'”… I don’t remember what, but people speak languages that they are not supposed to know. But it’s just a recall from something that they’ve heard once in their lives. Because there was this guy who claimed he had the helmet that could make you experience religious experiences.
– Yeah, I’ve heard about this.

– So he destroyed his theory by proving that it was a lie.
– Who did this, the one with the helmet?

– D, D destroyed this Canadian guy argument by proving in Sweden that the helmet didn’t work because this guy was already selling it online…
– Was he the one that disproved it?

– Yeah, he and his group of scientists. They gathered a lot of people with different backgrounds and only those that had religious backrounds or new age could experience something different than the ones that didn’t believe in anything or ever had a touch with religion whatsoever. So it was mostly the people’s mind that drove the whole thing and maybe the magnetic field that the helmet creates.. eh.. helped.
– So the helmet created magnetic fields around the brain?

– Yeah, because I mean, a lot of people that said that they saw poltergeist in different houses they claim that they had different magnetic fields around. So I mean apparently the magnetic environment could affect the perception of different things or could move things around or make you see different things depending on… on how you percieve the world or what is your background. For me for example it would be very easy to see a ghost because I was grown in an environment that was very religious.
– Do you mean that the magnetic field interfer with your perceptions and make things….move?

– Well this was the theory.

[To be continued….]